
F.Y.B.A. II (40-10)

F.Y.B.A. I(40-10)

F.Y.B.A. I 60-40


The entire examination work is entrusted to an Examination Committee consisting of the Principal and senior faculty members.

As per Statutes, the College has appointed a Controller of Examination to ensure fair and smooth conduct of examinations. The Committee members meet regularly to formulate and implement Rules and Regulations for the conduct of Examinations under autonomy. Under autonomy, evaluation is a continuous process. The course has a combination of tests, discussions and project work for each year. The tests may be objective, multiple choice questions, short answers, essay types, project based and practical activities.

The examination committee is as below

Dr. Girish J. GavitChairman
Mr. Mahesh D. RandiveMember
Mr. H. B. MaliMember

Minutes of the meeting

Internal Exam

  • 10 marks two papers for each semester is there in FY, SY and TY Bachelor of Arts Course
  • 10 marks practical exam
  • 10 marks for attendance and behaviour in class

So the total 40 marks internal are provided by the teachers, which is submitted in the format provided by the University to our college. 

External Exam

External exam is conducted by Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and as per the schedule provided by them to our college. Our college is also given the Centre for Examination. Total 60 marks of paper are there in each semester for Bachelor of Arts Course.